We publish content on the latest Music gear and equipment used in the industry. Our reviews are always precise so you can get the most in least time. From music studio to live concerts, field recording to SFX, we cover all areas and make sure this place serves purpose to everyone related to music industry.
Our content includes meticulous information on MIDI Products, Microphones, Audio Interfaces, Studio Monitors, Headphones, Amps, Guitars, Keyboards, DAWs, Plugins and all the professional gear used by musicians.
Check out our other websites too:
- TECHNOISER – On this website, you will find all the information on products with latest technology such as PC hardware, Gadgets, Displays, etc.
- ISOLAPSE – Here you will find the content on the latest cameras, lenses, lighting equipment and all the news covering Photography and Filmmaking Industry.
If you have anything interesting to share, you can contact us here.

Ishaan Sarna
Founder of Soundelicit, Technoiser, and Isolapse. Music Producer by profession and also a Tech Enthusiast.